Learning & Earning at Bible High

Two Messages from Our Director of School

A Message from Michael Karnas...
The Importance of a Biblical Education...

An Overview

Earn While You Learn

While your son is working, he is learning skills that will stay with him for a lifetime. He will be expected to apply for positions that are available. (We will prepare him for the application process and interviews). He will be expected to understand the requirements of his chosen job and his performance will be evaluated weekly. Bible High has established apprenticeship programs with Masters in Trade helping students enroll in the local Maine DOL sponsored Apprenticeship programs as they become available. Ages 13-15 will participate in our local Farm training program as a preparation for Technical Apprenticeships. 

An Invitation

Calling Christian Mentors

Do you have a need to train responsible and loyal employees for the future? Do you have a need for competent, trustworthy, guided, and supported employees. Consider joining our growing list of employers who participate in our ‘Earn while You Learn’ program. Our program is Tax Deductible for all participating employers.

A Day in a Nutshell



Student will work ‘part time’ with our approved trade and business employer-mentors in the morning earning ‘trade credits’ and establishing for themselves a full-time summer position. Trade credits will be redeemed for Driver’s Education training or advanced training credit for ‘operating engineers’.



At Midday students return from Lunch and then

spend 3 hours of seamless time in classroom education necessary for their High School Diploma and Trade Craft designations. Our ’State Approved’ curriculum eliminates all unnecessary secondary education requirements for college admission or preparation for trade craft. See our core curriculum below. Call

or email Mike Karnas with any questions.



From 3 to 5 High School Varsity Athletics are

offered for graduation Credits. Training for sports is emphasized and provides the necessary physical fitness required for our apprenticeships and summer employment. Varsity American Football, Basketball, and track will be offered first year 2024 and require early enrollment. We will seek membership in the MPA, the Maine Principle’s Association.

A Brief Overview of Our Core Curriculum

The Bible

Required: Scriptural Literacy & Life-long Learning

The Bible will be studied daily. It will serve as a source for English Language Arts and Western and American History. During their discipleship students will study all 66 books of the Bible.

Physical Sciences

Required: Observing & Deducing from God's Creation

Science will be studied from a Biblical World View. Theories contrary to Design and Creationism will be discussed but emphasis will place on the laws of Physics and Biology that have practical application to trade craft and are supported by the Biblical narrative that all dominion has been given us over the earth.


Required: Logical thinking and math skills for life

Technical Math: Trade college math will be broken down at a 2 and 3 year curriculum pace. This course will cover the requirements for college entrance and contain the base knowledge necessary for the technical trades, preparing the students for ‘hands on’ experiences in real life.


Ancillary: Language Arts for Joy & Practical Living

For the command of the English Language, most students’ native tongue. The Bible will be the 'corpus’ for most literature. We will encourage students to excel in the 4 domains of the English Language:  Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.


Ancillary: Seeing God's Hand at Work in Time

History from a Biblical World View. Both U.S. History and Western Civilization are accredited courses satisfying the High School requirement for higher education. U.S. History and Government will be taught from the point of view of Exceptional Nation Status and God’s obvious National blessings bestowed or withdrawn.


Ancillary: The Most Beautiful of Sciences

Choral musical expression and instruction in musical notation will be offered for students wishing to expand their knowledge of the language of music. Use of student selected musical instruments will be integrated in this general course in Music as time permits. 

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