Lead a Young Man into a New Trade & Life...
As you are aware, there is a notable shortage of skilled men in the trades industry, and those who are already employed often exhibit various skill deficiencies. This presents a unique opportunity for you to leave a positive impact on both the industry and the local community by taking on the role of mentoring one of our young men. Our program requires these young individuals to work to cover their tuition fees, monthly board expenses, and save for additional costs such as owning a vehicle. The ideal scenario for them involves securing meaningful employment, building self-confidence, gaining job proficiency, and earning while they learn.
Our initiative operates as a 'Work Study program', and we believe that any financial contribution you make, equivalent to an hourly wage, can be fully tax-deductible as a charitable donation. We handle payroll processing and tax obligations, ensuring a seamless experience for both parties involved. Being a 501C3 non-profit private school, we recommend consulting with your tax advisor for further details.
We invite you to join our expanding network of employers by completing our 'contact form'. Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our cause.
Grace & Peace, Mike Karnas Director of School
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